Demand prediction module – ekanban
Ekanban develops advanced forecasting algorithms based on current predictive techniques and some techniques which are in beta phase (Arima, Deep LSTM, LSTM, etc.) in order to obtain forecasts of the consumption to be made before it occurs, trying to establish patterns of consumption behaviour and thus raise the degree of accuracy of the predictions.
With ekanban, by obtaining the real information of the consumption and therefore having a reliable picture of the reality, it is possible to obtain greater precision in the results of all these algorithms compared to traditional systems of supply chain management. By means of algorithms that analyse the consumption history, the behaviour of consumption during previous years is analysed and a forecast is made of what will happen. The challenge is for the forecast made to be reliable and to coincide in at least 80% of cases. Being able to predict the future consumption helps anticipate the decisions to be made (production planning, procurement of materials, etc.), changing the current form of management of the company. With ekanban and this understanding of reality, the forecasts can have a higher percentage of success.