SmartCoNeT at the 2021 Global Innovation Summit

13 May, 2021 | General

From the 18th to the 20th of May 2021, the “Global Innovation Summit 2021” will be held. This summit is an international meeting place for companies and innovators to share and exchange knowledge, establish contacts, collaborate and secure future business growth opportunities. In this context, Festo, our collaborating partner of the international SmartCoNeT project organized […]

Monitoring of returnable bobbins at Ederfil Becker

4 May, 2021 | General

Ederfil Becker, the cooperative of Mondragon Group, is carrying out the installation of the ekanban system in order to monitor its returnable bobbins that it uses to send its product to customers. In order to improve and advance the management of these bobbins, from now on, and thanks to the implementation of the ekanban returnable […]

Installation of the RFID smart shelf in Zepa Spa

19 April, 2021 | General

Zepa Spa, the Italian client of Orkli, S.Coop and user of ekanban, has recently carried out the installation of the RFID smart shelf. Until today, Zepa used the ekanban mobile app to report its consumption events to Orkli, thus speeding up the order – replenishment process. The customer satisfied with the results obtained (stock reduction, […]


17 December, 2020 | General

It is already in operation the new ekanban visualization platform. A dynamic, agile and user-friendly web application that is prepared to integrate with third party ERPs or softwares. This platform is divided in different modules independents from each other: Consumption and reference monitoring module. Business Intelligence module. Consumption predictions module. Returnable asset management module. Besides, […]

RFID shelf – Stock in real time

23 November, 2020 | General

Get to know your inventory in real time thanks to Ekanban´s RFID shelf. The RFID devices detect the tags of the products that are on the shelf, this way letting know the stock in real time. At the same time, when a product is removed, the devices stop reading its tag, and so it registers […]